‘Golly, this chokehold is giving me a papercut!’ 2022…is that you?

Well, it’s been a while…again. It’s always pretty easy to put off posting, especially when work and then trying to balance somewhat of a life outside of small screens (still can’t peel me away from the TV), means it’s harder to stay on top. But alas, we’re here, another a year, or as I seem to recall, just another day. Other than for date purposes, I don’t suppose many people care all too much nowadays. Is it not just one big hotchpotch blur?

I won’t even pretend to remember the last post, it’s date or it’s content. My brain capacity simply is not there yet. I could just as easily take a look through my page, but where’s the fun in that. What I will however say, is that I can now raise my hand and say ‘I too, have beaten COVID’. That’s right ladies and gents, ole’ NQ here had fallen prey to the unseen enemy. And despite being double-vaxxed, it certainly was not pleasant, luckily no trips to the hospital or doctor, but it definitely knocked the wind out of me. And for a short (thankfully!) while, also knocked my sense of taste and smell. Now, if you have any clue as to what I am like, you will know that food ranks pretty highly on my list, so yes, it was a daytime nightmare. But again, I type here before you, with my sense of smell and taste mostly restored (don’t get me started on the ‘Inception’ style plot where I convince myself that I can only smell and taste because I think that I can).

As I type this, I realise that I have diverted from what I originally set out to complain about…which I suppose is only fitting for a blog. Well, you’ll be glad to know that the aforementioned chokehold has somewhat lapsed, but I’m pretty sure a new paper monster with immaculate grip of one’s throat is in the making. What else did I expect from a job where I get the chance to work on multimillion pound grants, working with international partners on global health projects(?)

Although I’d full well intended to rant about how much I hate the paperwork and sometimes the politics (much less than my previous occupations!), I actually don’t feel any angst, in fact, the challenge is quite that. A challenge. It may be daunting at times, sometimes feeling like you could easily drown in the sea of papers (picture the first few minutes of Alice in Wonderland, where Alice is caught in a sea of her own tears), but then sometimes you can just stand up and walk away, and other times you just gather up all the paper and set it on fire!

I jest (or do I?), it’s a good team environment, lots of people collectively working for the same thing and sometimes it feels unreal that I’m not planning every detail from scratch alone (let’s not jinx a good thing). But grateful and appreciative and I hope that the challenges to come are hit for Six.

I’ll end with a few pictures I took whilst away in Istanbul, loved it, but in hindsight…still not a good time to travel! You’re welcome!

Couldn’t have a layover in Dublin and not get the best hot chocolate ever!

Be a ripe banana.

We’ve all heard of the saying ‘one bad apple spoils the barrel’ and often we see this take effect as well. But is that because of the predetermined mindset we have, or because we truly believe that negativity spreads far and vast?

Well, I would like to challenge that saying with another, because why should negativity be highlighted and positivity undermined? So that’s why I say ‘be a ripe banana’. I draw the parallel with how ripe bananas can influence the ripening of so many other fruits, making them enjoyable, just like how one person with a good personality can influence others to be the same.

So, take home message…don’t be an apple, be a banana.

Girl, I is back.

Procrastinating, exacerbating, and all too annihilating.

Writing, some more writing and then even more writing and yet my mode of procrastinating, is also writing. How cutely ironic.

I have a whole bunch of things to be getting on with, and nothing even remotely interesting to positively procrastinate on. No, I’m not saying ‘I had no better thing to do than to write a blog post’, but it’s not too far from the truth. I have components of a Disney character that need stitching together (hint hint), a summary that has almost written itself, a community involvement piece that needs reviewing and the worst of all, data management plans that need addressing.

Not everything is boring, but somehow the ‘boring’ has found itself to contaminate everything on my to-do list. How is it that you get yourself to do the mundane and boring? Now, clearly I’ve worked through these tasks before and no doubt will have to in the future, but for now, it seems like such a pointless mound to climb. Not even a mountain which might give you the satisfaction of a tough job, nope, just a tiny little dirt mound. The kind which will only get the soles of your feet musty.

I do however, think I should go back to the ‘Tale of the Everlasting Procrastinator’, but even that seems so tasking. Working from home certainly has it’s pros and cons. Con: Working, Pro: from home.

Still 3 more hours of work and all I can think about is dinner.

Good luck NQ, you’ve got a mound to climb.

To ‘Future me’…

Well, it’s a year later than past me intended! But I read it nonetheless!

Ramblings of a Muffintop


I seem to be coming across a lot of ‘time-capsule’-like things, and what you would want your future self to know (around 5 years into the future), or what you would want to say to your future self. A lot of things I came across, were pretty standard…get married, have kids etc. Some were just disturbing…shedding insight into the very personal aspects of someone’s life. So I thought to myself that since today is my ‘non-verbal’ day (don’t ask), I might as well come up with a few things I’d say to ‘future me’…I’ll stick with the 5 year thing and let’s aim this at 29 year old me (fun!).

Dear ‘Future’ Nazra Queen/Langendorff Queen/Mrs Langendorff,

I hope that you’ve finished your PhD…if you haven’t, you should probably stop reading right now. I mean it, stop. Right now! And go and do some write up…or bug your supervisor to look…

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I caught myself a frog.

I promise I haven’t forgotten you.

I really do.

Being busy has spun me in a web,

I just can’t seem to take the first step.

Reports, papers, meetings and all,

it’s hard not to just fall.

I promise I haven’t forgotten you.

I really do.

I think of all the things to share,

but it’s not because I don’t care.

It’s easier to blame the fast lane,

save myself some of the pain.

I miss the method I cherish,

it seems procrastination must perish.

I promise I haven’t forgotten you.

If only you knew.

Free Free Palestine

A very good insight into just how long the Palestinian people have suffered.

Twin Shadows


The words currently echoing around the world. But for some, these are the words that they have been hoping for for the past few decades, after being oppressed and humiliated in their own homeland. Now let’s make this very clear, Israel does not own Palestine. In fact, Zionists are taking Palestinian lands by force, claiming to do so because they are “the chosen people of God”, when most of them are not even remotely religious. This is a power play for political reasons, plain and simple. Let’s look back at the history of the so called “State of Israel” (I will go into some detail, but I will avoid going to deep into every single one or I might as well write a whole book on the subject).

In 1917, A man by the name of Arthur Balfour wrote to the British Jewish leader Walter Rothschild and claimed that…

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The World watches in Silence.

It’s impossible to not know of the atrocities that are occurring in Jerusalem, to Palestinians, not just in the recent few days but since decades of oppression and one-sided violence against the native population of Palestinians.

My heart aches watching horrific scenes of stun grenades launched towards worshippers in Al-Aqsa, in the Holy month of Ramadhan, how is this justified? How is any of it justified? And more importantly, how can the World watch in silence…and worse, flip the narrative. Changing the script does NOT change the reality. We see what is happening, telling us that these are ‘clashes’ does not make it so, we can clearly SEE that this is one-sided in it’s entirety. Illegal settlers using perverse methods to remove occupants from their OWN homes and steal in the name of a deranged Zionist agenda.

We cannot let this happen, Palestinians need us to champion their narrative, to let their voices resonate in the streets outside of Palestine. We cannot let their voices fall upon deaf ears, we must echo their pain and force the ‘Powers that be’ to actually DO something. It’s not just a matter of condemning violence anymore, we have to actively force this apartheid state to reform drastically. We have witnessed so many horrors over decades, we have made many promises of ‘Never again’ but yet when it comes to the Palestinian cause, a blind eye is all that is cast.

Write to your MPs or your State representatives and have this matter pushed down the throats of those who do not want to hear it. We can’t be complicit, we cannot let the resilience of the Palestinian people dwindle, we must magnify their struggle, so that even the blind will be forced to see.

Free Palestine. Free, free Palestine.

Peace at Last.

The blessed month has been flying through our fingers, day 18 is already here and soon the whole month will have passed.

There’s a beautiful serenity that Ramadhan has, the use of time becomes so much more precious, you want to spend every moment making the most of it. Which can be a bit more difficult when you are working, even if it is from home. It’s just that I envy this calmness I have in this month, I miss it truly the rest of the year and no amount of replicating the environment brings it back (unless I’m in Makkah or Madinah, but they have their own immeasurable calmness).

Even with everything in chaos, or it appears to be, the calmness of Ramadhan has never made me give up or place doubt. I trust the plan for me and I know that it may be sooner or later, but that it will come through and I will always have hope in His eternal mercy and blessings.

I pray for all those who are suffering, from India to Palestine and beyond. I pray that their suffering ends, that they see the tunnel at the end of their struggle. I pray that we can be a united humanity, one embedded in brotherhood and love for one another.

Peace at Last.


Bring on the food.

I did say that I’d post again soon, and here I am!

So this one will be more about food, because let’s face it, it’s what’s kept us going. Heck, we ran out of flour and pasta in the first lockdown, if that doesn’t say that we love food, then I don’t know what else does.

Here’s a very teeny, tiny little taste of what the NQ kitchen has been prepping. And of course, had to showcase my crochet kiddies! The three musketeers in this block are: Winnie the Pooh, Octo (the preemie octopus) and Uni (the Rasta unicorn).

I’m pretty sure that these images speak for themselves…heck they’re making me hungry as I type! I can’t even pick a favourite because everything was so good! But the best vegan dish was the giant samosas (seriously so good, look up the recipe at sanjanafeasts.co.uk, she’s my fav food blogger), the best vegetarian was the pao bhaji (I’m having some more tonight, although this time I’m not making my own buns haha), the best meat dish has to be without a doubt, Benny, our bird on Xmas, it was just the best roast I have ever made (and I can’t even remember how I did it, oh the agony!!!); lastly, the best dessert was the strawberry and lemon curd cake, inspiration drawn from Mary Berry’s Lemon meringue cupcakes.

That’s all folks, I’ll see you again soon, I have over 12 months of food pictures and counting! So much to share and so much more to make. Experiment are life.

NQ out.

It’s a COVID world…we’re just livin’ in it.

OK, so I won’t lie, I genuinely didn’t think it had been this long since my last post. I’m horrified that I stayed away this long! But can you really blame me? (Rhetorical question, no need to answer).

A lot has changed, and I mean in a completely unprecedented way. We are certainly wading through unknown waters and who knows when this quarantine and isolation will end! An unseen enemy attacks us all, and we barely know how to counter it. OK, OK, I’ll stop, enough with the COVID word drop Bingo. But I’m not kidding, a lot has changed, and no a tiny human isn’t part of this equation. But teaching is…*sigh*.

So this time last year (pre lockdown 1.0), I was hunting for a new job, I only had 11 days until the end of my contract and with budgets being tightened and not knowing if our collaborators were going to pay up…I couldn’t get a renewal. And I wasn’t worried, I kept telling myself that the role I was in, wasn’t what I wanted to do, that I needed to find something more lab based. Fast forward a few months, stuck in a pandemic with no one working in the house and serious lack of jobs…so yeah, I had to do it, I didn’t have a choice, I’m a lecturer. The first stage of admittance is always difficult. It’s weird to think I’m a lecturer, because I’m not an old man who wheezes (although I do wheeze sometimes!) and I definitely don’t wear tweed. So I don’t think I fit the bill, but here I am, a lecturer. Yuck. Worse yet, 6 months into the role and I can’t tell if I enjoy it or not, my view of things are certainly skewed with working at home (we love this) but not having any physical hand in research and dealing with students (we HATE this), is what keeps me tossing and turning.

Like I said, I had no other choice and if I still don’t have another choice, I will keep at it. A lot of people are in poor positions right now, and employment of any kind is welcome when you don’t know how you’ll pay for necessities.

…well that took on a serious note far too quickly. Alright let’s segue into something more colourful. I learnt how to crochet! So I’ve dabbled in attempts to knit in the past and it’s always been a disaster…as in can’t even leave the ‘knitting needle disaster’. I started crocheting almost a year ago, using simplydaisy’s channel from YouTube as a start and didn’t think I’d be doing crochet still! I’ve now moved on to Bella Coco’s YouTube channel and in fact even been using written patterns!!!

Why don’t I just show you some of the things I’ve made!

So there you go, my adventures in crochet. I’ll upload more images next time…I’ve crocheted a mini unicorn and Winnie the Pooh as well! Next time we’ll be taking a dive into food pics, yum! And I promise I won’t delay as long as this!!

NQ out.